The first integrated PhasmaFOOD multi-sensor prototype device was presented by our partner, Yannick Weesepoel (RIKILT Wageningen University and Research) at the 5th Food Integrity Conference. The project, the prototype and the technologies put in place generated significant interest among the stakeholders in the field and the industry.
Around 400 attendees from the food processing industry, food retailers, food safety agencies, public administration and research organisations attended the multi-disciplinary conference focusing on “Delivering real world solutions”. The conference organised by the FoodIntegrity project took place from 14 to 15 November 2018 in Nantes, France and offered keynote lectures and panels on the main innovative topics in food integrity. Solutions to be implemented in the food sector were presented. High-level keynote speakers debated current issues and provided insight on the future fight against food fraud.
More information about the PhasmaFOOD prototype device can be found here.
More info about the event can be found at