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Interview with Dr Alexandra Lianou (AUA) during the first PhasmaFOOD prototype device testing

Interview with Dr Annamaria Gerargino (CNR) during the first PhasmaFOOD prototype device testing

Interview with Mr Benedikt Gross (FUB) during the first PhasmaFOOD prototype device testing

Interview with Mr Davide Di Giuseppe (UTOV) during the first PhasmaFOOD prototype device testing

Interview with Mr Konstantinos Tsoumanis (WINGS) during the first PhasmaFOOD prototype device testing

Interview with Dr Susanne Hintschich (IPMS) during the first PhasmaFOOD prototype device testing

Interview with Dr Yannick Weesepoel (DLO) during the first PhasmaFOOD prototype device testing

PhasmaFOOD: The smart, portable food sensing device