PROTEIN is a research initiative led by a consortium of European public- and private-sector organizations working to promote health and wellbeing. By bringing together experts from across Europe, PROTEIN will develop tools using the latest communications technologies and machine learning strategies to provide personalized nutrition and physical activity support to EU citizens. PROTEIN has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 817732.
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The core concept of NUTRISHIELD is to protect the health of EU citizens, by promoting a fact-based personalised nutrition. More specifically, NUTRISHIELD focuses on providing a holistic approach towards the personalisation of nutrition for the younger population, ranging from new-born infants all the way to young adults. Public health campaigns, most of them with a one-size-fits-all approach, have hardly been effective in mitigating the nutrition-related noncommunicable diseases and its consequences. Recent academic studies in the field of human nutrition show that differences between individuals determine how their health is affected by their diet. This implies that different individuals could respond differently to the same their diets. Therefore, in order for this to succeed, there needs to be a personalization of diet, based on scientific facts.
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The main goal of the DataBio project is to show the benefits of Big Data technologies in the raw material production from agriculture, forestry and fishery/aquaculture for the bioeconomy industry to produce food, energy and biomaterials responsibly and sustainably. DataBio proposes to deploy a state of the art, big data platform on top of the existing partners’ infrastructure and solutions – the Big DATABIO Platform. The work will be continuous cooperation of experts from end user and technology provider companies, from bioeconomy and technology research institutes, and of other partners.
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MycoKey project has been funded by European Commission under Horizon 2020 programme, Societal challenge 2 “Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy challenge” – topic “ Biological contamination of crops and the food chain”. It aims to deliver in 2019 the first integrated ICT based solutions to address mycotoxin contamination along the food and feed chain, by using a holistic and sustainable approach.
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Current food quality and safety testing is, to a large extent, an inefficient, expensive and ineffective process, unable to assure food safety for all consumers and unable to prevent major food fraud incidents. A paradigm shift in quality and safety testing is urgently required in order to free resources for an intensified combat against fraud in the food chain. As an enabling technology solution, the FoodSmartphone ETN proposes the development of smartphone-based (bio)analytical sensing and diagnostics tools for simplified on-site rapid pre-screening of food quality and safety parameters and wireless data transfer to servers of relevant stakeholders.
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